
[Title card: Chapter 5: The Red Herring]

 [The scene opens in Detective Raj Singh's office, where the atmosphere is heavy with frustration. Raj sits at his desk, surrounded by scattered papers and a pinboard cluttered with photos and notes. Priya stands beside him, her expression mirroring his own sense of disappointment.]

[Raj leans back in his chair, running a hand through his hair as he stares at the evidence before him.]

Raj Singh: "I can't believe it. We hit a dead end."

[Priya sighs, her frustration evident as she looks over the evidence spread out on the desk.]

Priya Sharma: "I thought we were onto something with that lead. How could it have led nowhere?"

[Raj shakes his head, unable to shake off the feeling of disappointment.]

Raj Singh: "I don't know, Priya. I thought we were following the right trail, but..."

[He trails off, his thoughts consumed by the weight of their failure.]

Priya Sharma: "We can't give up, Raj. We have to keep pushing forward, no matter how many setbacks we face."

[Raj nods in agreement, determination flashing in his eyes.]

Raj Singh: "You're right. We owe it to the people of Mumbai to keep searching for the truth."

[With a renewed sense of purpose, Raj rises from his chair, ready to dive back into their investigation.]

Raj Singh: "Come on, Priya. Let's get back out there and see what else we can uncover."

[Priya nods, a steely resolve settling over her features as she joins Raj at the desk.]

Priya Sharma: "We won't let this setback deter us. We'll keep digging until we find the answers we're looking for."

[Together, they gather up their evidence and prepare to head back out into the city, their determination unshaken by the obstacles in their path.]

[As they leave the office, Raj knows that their journey is far from over. Despite the setbacks and false leads, he remains steadfast in his commitment to uncovering the truth - no matter where it may lead.]

[Cut to black.]

[Title card: Chapter 5: The Red Herring]

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