
[Title card: Chapter 2: The Assignment]

[The scene opens in Detective Raj Singh's office, a dimly lit space filled with the hum of the city outside. Raj sits behind his desk, surrounded by stacks of files and paperwork, his expression thoughtful as he contemplates the day's tasks.]

[The door creaks open, and Detective Priya Sharma enters, her demeanor urgent and determined. She crosses the room to stand before Raj's desk, her eyes meeting his with a sense of gravity.]

Priya Sharma: "Raj, we've got a new case. A big one."

[Raj leans forward, his interest piqued by Priya's words.] 

Raj Singh: "Tell me more."

[Priya takes a seat opposite Raj, her expression serious as she begins to relay the details of the assignment.]

Priya Sharma: "There's been a robbery at a jewelry store in South Mumbai. The owner was killed in the process."

[Raj's brow furrows in concern as he absorbs the information.]

Raj Singh: "Any leads?"

[Priya shakes her head, her lips pressed into a thin line.]

Priya Sharma: "Nothing solid yet. But something feels off about this one, Raj. It's too clean, too... orchestrated."

[Raj nods in understanding, his mind already whirring with possibilities.]

Raj Singh: "You think it's connected to something bigger?"

[Priya nods emphatically, her eyes alight with conviction.]

Priya Sharma: "I do. And I think we're the ones who can unravel it."

[Raj rises from his chair, a sense of purpose settling over him as he prepares to tackle the case head-on.]

Raj Singh: "Alright, let's not waste any time. We need to get to the crime scene, see what we can find."

[As they exit the office, Raj's mind buzzes with anticipation. He knows that this case will test their skills like never before, pushing them to their limits in the pursuit of justice.]

[Cut to black.]


[Title card: Chapter 2: The Assignment] 

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